Sunday 3 October 2010

She should never have asked

I get asked by so many models what makes me so special that I get picked for Vogue cover over and over again. "What is your secret!?" they'll ask frustratedly and fail to remember that just being me is the secret.

The other night, at this posh party, one of the models kept asking me to give her advice (based on my extensive experience) how she too could get at least one photo-shoot for Vogue.

I was desperate for my evening snooze and she was really in my face so I got really annoyed with her and just wanted to get rid of her.

Look, I was tired and I just wanted to have a well-deserved nap, ok?

After my nap I was on my way to the bar to get a refreshing glass of champagne and I couldn't believe what I saw:

I wish humans would stop aspiring to be more like me, they clearly can't handle it.


  1. LOL Veronika! I will look forward to these posts every Sunday!

  2. brilliant! just like the two divas that hang around my place :o)

  3. Wonderful! I love this! I will follow this your blog, too!

  4. I honestly cannot begin to explain how much I love your art. Serious!

  5. by the way the last one happened to me today - the only difference: cat was my dog..


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